Tuesday 3 March 2015


"Listen to your heart," they say. "It will tell you everything you need to know."

The heart. The heart does not tell you something bad is going to happen. Bad things? Bad things happen. They happen to everyone. Unexpected, like a storm. Your most beautiful dream becomes your worse nightmare. At this point, people will tell you,"Get over it. This is life!"

The heart. It doesn't accept the nightmare easily. It makes you think that it is a joke and that someone holding a camera will jump out from behind the curtains and shout,"you've been prank'd!"
But that never happens. Does it? The nightmare continues. The storm continues. All you want is for it to end. For someone to come and rescue you. Or, for at least the pain to reduce.

The pain? It does go away. If not now, eventually it will. The storm does fade away. Things do get better. But what do you do till then? You stop! You stop fighting back. You hold on! You hold on to the things you love. The people you love. And then? Then you rise. You rise like the phoenix and you fly. You, fly again. And this time, higher!