Saturday 7 March 2015


"Maybe I should. Maybe I should not. I know I should not, but I want to and I will."

We all have been through this conversation with ourselves and we all know what it results in. Guilt! We are all guilty of something. But what is guilt really? It is a way your conscience is telling you, that you have knowing done something wrong. You should not have walked down that road, but you have.

A lot of people term guilt as a negative emotion. I say, its not! Guilt only occurs when you have a conscience and you listen to it. And that's a good thing. 

  Guilt. It does not let you sleep. Makes you restless. Sick to your stomach. You will often find yourself wondering, if your actions were worth it. If the loss was worth it. You obviously did compromise on something. Is this feeling worth it? Should you have gone the other way? What would that be like?

These aren't the real questions. Are they? No! 
The real question is, "If you do feel guilty about something, are you willing to do something about it?" Can you remedy the situation? Are you willing to take the risk and do the right thing?