Tuesday 10 March 2015


"A known devil is better than an unknown angel." We all have come across this known devil at some point in our lives. 

The known devil. It is that one person who made everything difficult for you. This person is a sugar coated bitter pill. "A nightmare dressed as a daydream."
You now have a name in your head don't you? Even the thought of meeting that person can set off all the negative cells in your body. Correct? That is the known devil. You know how the person works, feels and reacts. You have spent enough time with them to predict their moves. The negative side to this is, they know you equally well. They too can predict your moves, maybe manipulate you further. 

On the other end, there is a new person. This person could be an angel or could be a devil. Could be a Saint or, could be a Satan. Who knows? Predicting this person's moves, at first, is like gambling. You could be right, or you could be wrong. They could be
dangerous or could be harmless. Who knows what this person has to bring to the table?

But here is the thing, given an option, would you work with the known devil again? Are you willing to face him again? Jump into the fire again? Or, would you take your chances and pick the angel? They say,"life is tough, so play your cards well." The problem now is, which card would you play? The more important question being, which is the winning card?