Tuesday 16 June 2015


"I was raised to be a good man in a storm", said Arizona to Callie's father. What was about this line that convinced Callie's father to accept her daughter and her relationship?

Who is a good man in a storm? Is it someone who saves his men before him? Is it someone who helps those who once hurt him? Or is it someone who puts the needs of others before him? Or is it just someone who stays strong even when things are just screwed up?

What does it take for someone to be the good man in a storm? Can he just wake up one day and be the good man in a storm?

It takes time and patience and the will to stand up every time you fall. Its easy to be strong when nobody has ever torn you down, but it is extremely difficult to get back up every time you are thrown down. If you think about it, all of us are who we were raised to be. All of us are the good men in a storm. All you have to do is continue to get back up and walk.

 Arizona was a good man in a storm, because no matter who she was dating, she was still who her father raised her to be, a good person, a loving and caring person. Maybe for him, that is all that mattered. Maybe for us, it is all that matters, to be who we are.