Monday 28 March 2016


Meredith Grey said that the first time, she met Derek Shepard, she said she had found the person she was going to spend the rest of her life with. 

Does falling in love at first sight really work? When you meet a person, can you really know for sure that you want to spend the rest of your life with that person? Or does it take time? 

This has always really confused me. People say all sorts of contradicting things, for example,"Best of things take time" and "Best things happen in just a blink of an eye." It all boils down to what we really believe in. Are fairytales real? Or are they just to entertain the children? Give them hope. Paint a picture maybe?

But as we grow up, our faith in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy seems to die. Are they just really a figment of our imagination or somewhere in this busy world, there might just be an fat old man wrapping up presents? Similarly, do all stories have a happy ending? Does the prince finally rescue the princess? Does the "true love's kiss" solve all problems? Or do you need to fight it out? Does it really take time to figure your feelings out?

So! What should we really believe in?  What is the real deal?