Monday 28 March 2016


"Sometimes I feel, saying it out loud will just make you feel better. Just putting it out there. Sometimes, I feel saying it may leave you with a little guilt. Should I have kept it to myself? Was it ready to be said out loud? Should I have waited just a little more?" Lexie thought to herself
as she walked away. She was perfectly aware of what she had said. The real question was, should she have said it out loud to him?

Humans. Weird creations aren't they. They invented their own languages to communicate with each other. To understand each other. 

Then how is it that we majorly failed at communicating our feelings? Why can't we ever verbalize our thoughts? What stops us? 

Is it what other people might think? Or is it what the other person may understand? 

Words! Here is a funny thing about words. People can misconstrue them. Take out a whole new meaning which was not even relevant to our original thoughts. This often leads to arguments and heated discussions. Is it why we don't express our thoughts? 

I think secrets originated because we could not tell "the person" how we really feel. So, we go to other people to confide in. To ask them if what we think is a valid thought. Maybe they understand us better. Or, we just keep it to ourselves till we have reached a particular conclusion in our minds.

Complicated? Yes. Absolutely. Will expressing our feelings make it any better? Or will it complicate it beyond what we predicted? Who knows.