Thursday 7 April 2016


Fight or Flight. This is the basis of life. Either you fight or you run. 

Here is what disturbs me the most about this, both of them are equally hurtful. You are fighting for everything in your life. A great job. Money. Love. A nice family. People who are close to you. You are either fighting for them or you just end up fighting with them. Why is life full of fights? When did we all stop enjoying life without having to put up a fight? Fights build you up or tear you down. They help you grow. They push you to do better. They give you a motive. 

Sure, you are bound to have peaceful moments that comfort you but then what? Why are we always chasing or being chased? 

Then comes the option of Flight. Running the hell away. Why does that have to hurt? Running away brings more pain than The Fight. When you run, you have to live with the possibility of not trying. You run away from a chance to win. Maybe because the win isn't worth the fight. Or you are too afraid to lose. Maybe, just maybe, you're too tired to fight. So you run. Running away with the hope that if it is meant to be, it will be.

So, what's it going to be? Fight...or Flight?