Monday 11 April 2016


I have recently realized that my life is very similar to "The Sex And The City" series. I see myself as Carrie Bradshaw (which is no surprise, of course). Here's why I think of myself as Carrie Bradshaw: I too, like Carrie, have the inability to deal with drama thrown my way. I have a Charlotte, a Miranda and Stanford in my life. If I ever have a Mr. Big and Aidan in my life like Carrie did, what would my story be like?

But lately, I have been contemplating my life; watching the series. Could I really be like Carrie Bradshaw? My situations are exactly like hers, but would I react to them just like she did?

The emotional unavailability of Mr. Big disappoints Carrie. She doesn't even know why she fell in love with him in the first place. Then comes along Aidan. The sweet guy with plans who has his priorities sorted. He loves Carrie and is willing to offer everything he has to her. But why did she turn down Aidan's proposal? She sure was happy... but what happened? She didn't have commitment issues, she did not want to be married or committed to anyone other than Mr. Big. She loved Aidan but she could not see a future with him. Mr. Big wasn't a bad person, he was upfront honest with Carrie every single time about his emotions. He was emotionally unavailable. A lot of people might say that Mr. Big was the wrong person. Why do we always fall for Mr. Wrong when Mr. Right is in front of you with a ring in his hand?

I wonder sometimes, that when Mr. Big walked away from Carrie almost a million times, and she waited for him regardless, would I do the same? Would I criticize Mr. Big for marrying Natasha? Would I react with the same strong reaction like Carrie when Mr. Big chose his career and other girls over her? Would I keep going back to Mr. Big every time he would come to my door with an apology? Or would I choose Aidan irrespective of the fact that I may not be completely happy?

What would you do?