Tuesday 12 April 2016


Today is one of those days where I put in my faith into the universe. Faith that things will fall into place and everything will be back on track. I am a hopeful person and I always hope that the storm will end. It may take time but it will. 

So, here I am putting my faith and hoping that everything will be okay again. I am patiently waiting for things to come back to where they belong.

Although, I did forget that life isn't nice sometimes. As I waited patiently, sitting in the park munching on my bag of chips and listening to one of my favorite playlists, I got a notification. A notification from my friend, Liza. Just when I think, things will pan out, I realized life had yet again thrown a curve ball my way. Life has a funny way of testing our patience. It will never give us more than we can handle. But how do you know, how much is enough? How much is it that you can take? 

At that moment, I had the option of tossing my bag of chips and storming away, or I could return to my music and the nice sunset view which was more than mesmerizing. And like any person who had enough, enough of the drama, enough of the crap that life had to offer, I walked to the dustbin, tossed the bag of chips and my phone and walked the fuck away. 

I don't really know where I am going. I don't know what will happen but I wasn't ready to fight anymore. I was done fighting.