Wednesday 13 April 2016


When you meet someone new, what is that brings you and them closer? What is it that helps the bond grow either into friendship or something more?

You know, when you go beyond just meeting them a few times, what strengthens the bond? Is it sharing about your past a factor? Is it going into the depth of your life? Are all women attracted to someone who pretends they are our superhero? Does every girl positively respond to, "Don't worry,  You can trust me with your past and I won't even judge you," just after a few dates?

We are at a stage where all the women are independent and want to make it on our own. We solve problems on our own, we fight the social evils on our own and some of us even live independently. In amongst all of that, do we need someone to swoop in and make it all go away? Maybe. Maybe not.

Some of us are complete on our own. Sure, we do need company of the opposite sex but some of us don't want to be saved. Does this give out masculine energy? Are we becoming the men of our times?