Thursday 14 April 2016


A second chance. Who doesn't like a second chance? But how do you know you have a second shot at something? Does someone always have to put it in words? What if you are in a situation where you and the other person, know that there is a problem but you haven't exactly put it in words. 

We hadn't exactly spoken to each other in like two months. This was a cold war. We weren't exactly on the same page and were completely avoiding each other. I had to face her at school everyday. She was my lab partner and she was in most of my classes. Also since she is my best friend, her locker was next to mine. As I walked towards my locker, I saw her by the water cooler. I was completely planning to walk away in the opposite direction to avoid yet another awkward moment. I am guessing with the number of classes we had together, we have had enough awkward moments. As I planned on taking an about turn, I saw her look at me and smile. I looked around not very subtly to see if she was smiling at me or someone else. With a confused state of mind, I walked towards her, put my books into the locker. She waited till I finished putting in my books and then we walked towards the entrance of the school. We didn't really say anything at all other than a bye at the entrance. I was confused the whole night. We hadn't spoken about the problem at all. We just stopped talking. This did not really hamper our lab projects. We worked without any fuss or drama. We just didn't talk. What suddenly changed? What happened? But for now, the change is a little baffling but awesome. I was very happy. I decided to reciprocate too. We then smiled at each other, occasionally spoke to each other. It was good but it also seemed too good to be true. We hadn't exactly gotten over the cold war. We still maintained the distance. Occasionally, yes, we did talk but most of the time we spent trying not to run into each other. Baby steps? Maybe. Maybe not.

 Was this the "The Surge"? The Surge is a medical term for when a person gets better before they get worse. Were things getting better for real? Or was I in for another major downfall? This question keeps disturbing me. I don't know if this is a second chance or not.