Monday 16 May 2016


Not every time there is a happy ending. Sometimes there is no ending. All there is an end to is the thing that gives you pain. No, the pain does not end, only the bleeding stops. It is this scar that remains there haunting you for the rest of your life. You have to live with it and somehow hope that nothing reminds of it ever again.

"It's in the past. Leave it there,"is probably the first thing that pops up in your mind. Here is the thing, even if you leave it in the past, it will affect your future. Without a past you cannot have a future. Without history you cannot have civics. Where you come from affects where you will go to. You carry the pain from the past for it to not let you make the same mistake again.

Another loophole to this is, some of us out there don't really learn from our mistakes. We believe that maybe the situation is different this time. But we forget that it is us that is making the mistake. A mistake is a mistake regardless of how different the situation is because the person making this error is the same. A constant and a variable need not necessarily bring out a different outcome.

You may not have succeeded in the past and hence the pain but this does not mean you will not succeed in the future. All you need to do is not make the same mistake again, maybe make new ones. Somehow your new mistake may just resonate with your new situation which may lead to a different, yet a better outcome.