Wednesday 11 May 2016


I was recently reminded of a myth where the human had four arms, four legs and one soul. God or a higher power then separated them, giving each two arms, two legs but only half a soul. Their life's goal was to find each other and complete themselves and solve the puzzle.

There are three kinds of people: The first is the kind that believes that their other half is their soulmate that they marry and have kids with. The second kind are those who believe that they are complete. They believe that the other half is within them. The third, is the kind who would like to believe they are complete but secretly hope that there is someone who has the second half of their hearts.

So, who is right? Is there really another half of us waiting to be found or do we just find it within ourselves? Maybe none of this is true. Maybe, the myth was created by a highly imaginative storyteller. Or just maybe, we are looking for someone to complete us.

Are our lives truly based on trying to fix the puzzle? Or are we being tricked into believing we even have a puzzle?