Tuesday 14 June 2016


The first rain is probably the best.  The sound of the rain pouring from the sky. The way each drop falls on to the ground. The mesmerized look on a child's face when he first sees the rain. The birds huddling in their nests. The smell of the first rain mixed with fresh brewing coffees.
The journey of the first rain from the clouds becoming darker to everything smelling fresh and renewed, is an absolute delight.
To some, the first rain is an inspiration. To others, its a sign of heavy traffic and unnecessary discomfort. To each to his own.

The first rain comes with a sign of hope. A sign of change. From our brighter times to our darker times. Just when you see the clouds in your life becoming darker, we tend to run. It is the most logical and instant reaction.

Maybe, its not so bad. Maybe, you need to stay indoors with yourself and reflect upon yourself. To step aside and watch the rain pour down. You could always enjoy some hot chocolate. Maybe, if you are just lucky enough, the doorbell might ring. Your friend could have crossed the city in the rains to enjoy a little pizza with you. Someone to stand by you when there is no sign of light. Maybe that is why rains are considered to be romantic. To cuddle with someone who would cross the storm to be on your side. If you close your eyes and pay close attention, you will be able to smell the fresh grass and enjoy the breeze. Even the darkest of your times come with a little pleasure. Fight if you must. Or, you could just clink your mugs and sip on your hot chocolate.