Wednesday 8 June 2016


"Every social media site is full of posts thanking people who left them. Sure, that's a polite thing to do after they betrayed and back-stabbed you. People come and go. Yes, absolutely. They will always be chapters in your books. Thanking people who taught you valuable lessons with hurting you or without having to make you feel bad about your existence, makes a lot of sense. I do thank those people for making me smile, making me feel protected, giving me my best memories. But not those who made me feel like shit. Why is it okay to forgive people who have hurt you? Isn't that betraying yourself? I don't mean make a wall of their photos and plan miserable things for them. Don't let them come back. Take revenge when necessary.

Yes, I do have a strong reaction to a topic like this. People who come with the intention of hurting you or taking advantage of you are the worst kind. They take little pieces of you one at a time. Before you know, you are a whole different person. You have scars and bruises that you didn't even know existed. And that is not okay. When you look in the mirror, you are nothing but made up of the broken pieces they decided to spare.

So, why do we thank these people? Even in sarcasm?