Wednesday 8 June 2016


"Follow your heart." We all have heard this for the longest time. No matter what comes your way, listen to your heart. I say, don't. Don't waste your energy placing a bet on your heart. Nobody ever made it big because they listened to their heart alone. Use your brain. Leave the heart alone for pumping your blood and keeping you alive. Don't give it extra work. It's not very good with multi-tasking. Do you think that your mind doesnt know what you are meant to do? Or what career you should persue? Or what

Plan. Strategize. Did every billionaire earn money because his heart was guiding them? No!

Newton sat under the apple tree and the apple fell. If he listened to what his heart had to say, he would probably think that it was God's way of saying,"Hey, you must be hungry and I care for you." Do you think he would have made it big? No. Of course not. he would have had a good meal but he may not have been a legend. Okay, imagine when Jay-Z and Beyonce broke up, if Beyonce spent time listening to her heart, she would have probably ended up in her bedroom crying. But hell no! She said,"Fuck You" and made millions out of it.

In every situation, your heart will tell you that things happen for a reason and that you must accept the situation. Do you think you are getting anywhere with this attitude? Try fighting back. Let me repeat this, use your brains.

Remember, your heart is a greedy bastard. It will tell you things which you want to hear not tell to how to achieve greatness. Question things. If there are no questions, try making millions out of those situations.