Saturday 4 June 2016


Life is a balance sheet. It has debit and credit. Sometimes your debit is higher, i.e. all the negative memories and sometimes your credit is higher, i.e. all your happy moments. Along the course of your life, you may feel like the debit is over powering. But one day, when you are old and you decide to visit the closet of memories, you will be surprised to see that your credits may looked less back then, but they definitely compensated for your debits.

All your bad memories are easy to recollect. All those moments are easy to re-live. It's the good memories that are hard to re-live because at some point you had to let them go. Every good relationship, your favorite projects, your dreams and your most treasured moments come to an end. Maybe that's why every good memory is followed by a bad one. Its the part where you have to detach yourself which hurts you the most. It took me a long time to realize that every bad memory is followed by a great one. You are suddenly in a place where you know things will be alright again, maybe better than you imagined. These special moments maybe short lived, but will make you smile every time you think about them.

So go and open that closet, tally that balance sheet and surprisingly enough, you will realize that in the end, you have surpassed your capital and made that gigantic profit you always wished for.