Saturday 4 June 2016


If you pay close attention, people always tend to surprise you in the best ways possible. Just when you think you know the person, BAAM! Here comes the surprise. 

Maybe they aren't out to hurt you. Maybe they aren't emotionless at all. Just like you, they have created an image to make you believe that they don't care about anyone else. If you pay close attention to them, you will know that they are the people who selflessly care about you. They just suck at showing it. Sometimes I wonder if these people are incapable to showing their emotions, do they indeed care about you? Where is the proof? 

Maybe they are scared of revealing the fact that they care about you. Maybe they have been on a shut down for a long time to weed out the nonsensical parasites (people who are only there to enjoy the benefits). Or maybe, they do care about you, but in their own unique little ways. 

Humans see everything as three dimensional, but emotionally, they have a lot more dimension than you can imagine. It all takes a little perspective to see them. It takes a little understanding and a lot of compromise. So pay close attention to the people around you, and maybe, just maybe you will be able to see the people who would take a bullet for you and ask for absolutely nothing in return.