Friday 1 July 2016


I have recently been hooked to the show 'UNREAL". For me the main relationship isn't between Rachel and the Bachelor. The real essence for me is the relationship between Quinn and Rachel.

Quinn is Rachel's boss and they share a much deeper relationship than anyone on the show. So, it starts with Rachel having a meltdown on the final shoot of the previous season and Quinn manipulates the tapes to show that the bride was the crazy one. She protects Rachel.

In the second season, she brings back Rachel despite the meltdown. On the second season, she pushes Rachel to reach her full potential. Rachel is a rather emotional person and all she needs is to be loved. Quinn fails to directly show her love, but she is the only one who cares for her almost unconditionally. When the Bachelor and Jeremy show their affection for her, she gets derailed from her real motive of being on that set. Quinn however plays on Rachel's emotions to make sure, she is focused and stays true to her job. Rachel cannot help falling in love with the handsome Bachelor. They plan to run away. Quinn is well versed with this plan and manipulates The Bachelor from making this mistake. Sure she doesn't want to lose Rachel as a producer but she also knows that Rachel cannot live an ordinary life. Being a producer was Rachel's life and taking that away from her will be destroy her soul.

Sometimes people who care for us know us better than we know ourselves. They will change the direction of the wind only because they want the best for us. They come as blessing in disguise.