Thursday 15 September 2016


Are we all the truest versions of ourselves? Why are we so scared of having to show people who we exactly are?

Probably because they might not understand. How do we as humans create our own language but fail to understand each other? Often because we say something and we mean something absolutely different. We just don't listen to people, we hear them which leads to us analyzing and judging them. We think about their stories but think with our perspective. We judge them based on the situations we have seen. Then comes a time when you can't express how you feel. There aren't enough words for it, so we leave it up to the listeners imagination to figure out how we feel about the situation. Messed up? It absolutely is.

And sometimes, we get in our own way of expressing how we feel about the situation. We analyze, we judge and based on all of those stupid notions filled into our heads, we stop ourselves from doing what we want to do, from being who we want to be.
Are we all so obsessed with acceptance that we are even willing to throw pieces of ourselves away?