Friday 16 September 2016


Nothing is permanent in our lives. This is something we all know. But have all of us made peace with this little fact? People come and people go. Some stay, some don't. Some shower us with happiness, others stab us with pain. Both of these things come in equal quantities, or at least we hope they do.

With certain people, we hope to keep it together until the phase passes and with some, well you kind of wish the time had a pause button. Sometimes all you want is to be around people who make your heart and soul smile. And with them, you want just a little more time. 

Maybe, you will bump into them again around the corner. You know like when people say, life is short and the world is round. Maybe you won't. But you keep going hoping that life may just surprise you. 

Here is the funny thing about life. Things that you hate are actually good for you and things that you love are well, not that healthy. Yes, I am going to make a connection to food, probably because it is lunch time. For example, salads are the worst but are actually great for your health and chips, not so much. Similarly with people, those who hurt you are actually just making you emotionally stronger and people who love you are more like the break you need from those ugly people. Now, we are trying to make chips a healthier option by baking them, similarly people who love you also end up like this crazy ass monster when they want you to step up your game. 

Bottom line: People are great. Maybe kick a few out and keep the rest absolutely close. Hope to see both at some point in your life. Who knows what is in store for you.