Wednesday 28 September 2016


What are the things that make you happy? What is that one place you would want to be at all by yourself?

I personally love the beach. It is my happy place. The silence in combination with the sound of the waves aggressively crashing against the shore. Almost like they are trying to prove a point. The warmth of the sand grains massaging your feet. The strong waves gushing at your feet and retrieving with a polite yet an elegant bow. The gentle breeze tickling your skin. The sky, my favorite part, almost like it is painted by a lover with the right amount of hue. The sun radiating its last dying power almost like it is arrogant to hide.

 All of these are small elements of a bigger picture. However charming these small bits, they contribute to a bigger picture. Sometimes, the small elements, however powerful cannot complete a marvelous view all by themselves. And sometimes, you will come across a person who will appreciate you for the small part that you play. 

Monday 19 September 2016


Almost everyday you meet new people and you like some, you don't like some. What about the people you love? What happens when they leave?

You either continue your life with the memories or you try to find a substitute who is just like them. People who either look like them or have the same personality as them. This is like filling in a gap. Singers write songs about people they love and how this gap within them is a huge issue and how it is heartbreaking.

But can that gap really be filled? Can this new substitute fulfill the spot? Is there still a small vacuum regardless of the new presence?
Maybe, you just leave the spot empty hoping you bump into them again and they fill in the gaps again. Seems about right, but it rarely happens. Or maybe, you just pull the strings a little closer and tie a knot and pretend the gap never existed.

Different people have different ways of filling in the gap. Maybe you fill in the gap, maybe you don't. But you absolutely can't ignore them. 

Friday 16 September 2016


Nothing is permanent in our lives. This is something we all know. But have all of us made peace with this little fact? People come and people go. Some stay, some don't. Some shower us with happiness, others stab us with pain. Both of these things come in equal quantities, or at least we hope they do.

With certain people, we hope to keep it together until the phase passes and with some, well you kind of wish the time had a pause button. Sometimes all you want is to be around people who make your heart and soul smile. And with them, you want just a little more time. 

Maybe, you will bump into them again around the corner. You know like when people say, life is short and the world is round. Maybe you won't. But you keep going hoping that life may just surprise you. 

Here is the funny thing about life. Things that you hate are actually good for you and things that you love are well, not that healthy. Yes, I am going to make a connection to food, probably because it is lunch time. For example, salads are the worst but are actually great for your health and chips, not so much. Similarly with people, those who hurt you are actually just making you emotionally stronger and people who love you are more like the break you need from those ugly people. Now, we are trying to make chips a healthier option by baking them, similarly people who love you also end up like this crazy ass monster when they want you to step up your game. 

Bottom line: People are great. Maybe kick a few out and keep the rest absolutely close. Hope to see both at some point in your life. Who knows what is in store for you. 

Thursday 15 September 2016


Are we all the truest versions of ourselves? Why are we so scared of having to show people who we exactly are?

Probably because they might not understand. How do we as humans create our own language but fail to understand each other? Often because we say something and we mean something absolutely different. We just don't listen to people, we hear them which leads to us analyzing and judging them. We think about their stories but think with our perspective. We judge them based on the situations we have seen. Then comes a time when you can't express how you feel. There aren't enough words for it, so we leave it up to the listeners imagination to figure out how we feel about the situation. Messed up? It absolutely is.

And sometimes, we get in our own way of expressing how we feel about the situation. We analyze, we judge and based on all of those stupid notions filled into our heads, we stop ourselves from doing what we want to do, from being who we want to be.
Are we all so obsessed with acceptance that we are even willing to throw pieces of ourselves away?

Friday 1 July 2016


I have recently been hooked to the show 'UNREAL". For me the main relationship isn't between Rachel and the Bachelor. The real essence for me is the relationship between Quinn and Rachel.

Quinn is Rachel's boss and they share a much deeper relationship than anyone on the show. So, it starts with Rachel having a meltdown on the final shoot of the previous season and Quinn manipulates the tapes to show that the bride was the crazy one. She protects Rachel.

In the second season, she brings back Rachel despite the meltdown. On the second season, she pushes Rachel to reach her full potential. Rachel is a rather emotional person and all she needs is to be loved. Quinn fails to directly show her love, but she is the only one who cares for her almost unconditionally. When the Bachelor and Jeremy show their affection for her, she gets derailed from her real motive of being on that set. Quinn however plays on Rachel's emotions to make sure, she is focused and stays true to her job. Rachel cannot help falling in love with the handsome Bachelor. They plan to run away. Quinn is well versed with this plan and manipulates The Bachelor from making this mistake. Sure she doesn't want to lose Rachel as a producer but she also knows that Rachel cannot live an ordinary life. Being a producer was Rachel's life and taking that away from her will be destroy her soul.

Sometimes people who care for us know us better than we know ourselves. They will change the direction of the wind only because they want the best for us. They come as blessing in disguise. 

Wednesday 22 June 2016


Why is the past always associated with black and white? Why these two colors only? I have had this question running around in my mind but I could never come up with a theory to support it. Recently, after watching a movie which had a theme closely connected to it called, "Looking back and moving forward," it suddenly struck me.

Black and white are more than just a classic combination or more than just a way to describe "vintage". Life is like a canvas. It is divided into two parts, black and white. Black resembles your past. Now I don't mean that it is dark and dingy. Black is a dark color. It's not easy to paint on a black canvas. Translation, you can't alter the past. It's the darkest color there is and it's not easy to have any kind of great alteration to it. What you do have is your present and your future. The purest color there is, white. You can paint anything with any paint you like. Open and free space. Any color that you throw at it, will leave the exact impact you want. So go ahead, browse through the walls of color, pick your color and splash it right on the white space.

Maybe, you can't paint a gallery but you surely can paint your life! 

Tuesday 14 June 2016


The first rain is probably the best.  The sound of the rain pouring from the sky. The way each drop falls on to the ground. The mesmerized look on a child's face when he first sees the rain. The birds huddling in their nests. The smell of the first rain mixed with fresh brewing coffees.
The journey of the first rain from the clouds becoming darker to everything smelling fresh and renewed, is an absolute delight.
To some, the first rain is an inspiration. To others, its a sign of heavy traffic and unnecessary discomfort. To each to his own.

The first rain comes with a sign of hope. A sign of change. From our brighter times to our darker times. Just when you see the clouds in your life becoming darker, we tend to run. It is the most logical and instant reaction.

Maybe, its not so bad. Maybe, you need to stay indoors with yourself and reflect upon yourself. To step aside and watch the rain pour down. You could always enjoy some hot chocolate. Maybe, if you are just lucky enough, the doorbell might ring. Your friend could have crossed the city in the rains to enjoy a little pizza with you. Someone to stand by you when there is no sign of light. Maybe that is why rains are considered to be romantic. To cuddle with someone who would cross the storm to be on your side. If you close your eyes and pay close attention, you will be able to smell the fresh grass and enjoy the breeze. Even the darkest of your times come with a little pleasure. Fight if you must. Or, you could just clink your mugs and sip on your hot chocolate.

Wednesday 8 June 2016


"Every social media site is full of posts thanking people who left them. Sure, that's a polite thing to do after they betrayed and back-stabbed you. People come and go. Yes, absolutely. They will always be chapters in your books. Thanking people who taught you valuable lessons with hurting you or without having to make you feel bad about your existence, makes a lot of sense. I do thank those people for making me smile, making me feel protected, giving me my best memories. But not those who made me feel like shit. Why is it okay to forgive people who have hurt you? Isn't that betraying yourself? I don't mean make a wall of their photos and plan miserable things for them. Don't let them come back. Take revenge when necessary.

Yes, I do have a strong reaction to a topic like this. People who come with the intention of hurting you or taking advantage of you are the worst kind. They take little pieces of you one at a time. Before you know, you are a whole different person. You have scars and bruises that you didn't even know existed. And that is not okay. When you look in the mirror, you are nothing but made up of the broken pieces they decided to spare.

So, why do we thank these people? Even in sarcasm? 


"Follow your heart." We all have heard this for the longest time. No matter what comes your way, listen to your heart. I say, don't. Don't waste your energy placing a bet on your heart. Nobody ever made it big because they listened to their heart alone. Use your brain. Leave the heart alone for pumping your blood and keeping you alive. Don't give it extra work. It's not very good with multi-tasking. Do you think that your mind doesnt know what you are meant to do? Or what career you should persue? Or what

Plan. Strategize. Did every billionaire earn money because his heart was guiding them? No!

Newton sat under the apple tree and the apple fell. If he listened to what his heart had to say, he would probably think that it was God's way of saying,"Hey, you must be hungry and I care for you." Do you think he would have made it big? No. Of course not. he would have had a good meal but he may not have been a legend. Okay, imagine when Jay-Z and Beyonce broke up, if Beyonce spent time listening to her heart, she would have probably ended up in her bedroom crying. But hell no! She said,"Fuck You" and made millions out of it.

In every situation, your heart will tell you that things happen for a reason and that you must accept the situation. Do you think you are getting anywhere with this attitude? Try fighting back. Let me repeat this, use your brains.

Remember, your heart is a greedy bastard. It will tell you things which you want to hear not tell to how to achieve greatness. Question things. If there are no questions, try making millions out of those situations.

Saturday 4 June 2016


Life is a balance sheet. It has debit and credit. Sometimes your debit is higher, i.e. all the negative memories and sometimes your credit is higher, i.e. all your happy moments. Along the course of your life, you may feel like the debit is over powering. But one day, when you are old and you decide to visit the closet of memories, you will be surprised to see that your credits may looked less back then, but they definitely compensated for your debits.

All your bad memories are easy to recollect. All those moments are easy to re-live. It's the good memories that are hard to re-live because at some point you had to let them go. Every good relationship, your favorite projects, your dreams and your most treasured moments come to an end. Maybe that's why every good memory is followed by a bad one. Its the part where you have to detach yourself which hurts you the most. It took me a long time to realize that every bad memory is followed by a great one. You are suddenly in a place where you know things will be alright again, maybe better than you imagined. These special moments maybe short lived, but will make you smile every time you think about them.

So go and open that closet, tally that balance sheet and surprisingly enough, you will realize that in the end, you have surpassed your capital and made that gigantic profit you always wished for. 


If you pay close attention, people always tend to surprise you in the best ways possible. Just when you think you know the person, BAAM! Here comes the surprise. 

Maybe they aren't out to hurt you. Maybe they aren't emotionless at all. Just like you, they have created an image to make you believe that they don't care about anyone else. If you pay close attention to them, you will know that they are the people who selflessly care about you. They just suck at showing it. Sometimes I wonder if these people are incapable to showing their emotions, do they indeed care about you? Where is the proof? 

Maybe they are scared of revealing the fact that they care about you. Maybe they have been on a shut down for a long time to weed out the nonsensical parasites (people who are only there to enjoy the benefits). Or maybe, they do care about you, but in their own unique little ways. 

Humans see everything as three dimensional, but emotionally, they have a lot more dimension than you can imagine. It all takes a little perspective to see them. It takes a little understanding and a lot of compromise. So pay close attention to the people around you, and maybe, just maybe you will be able to see the people who would take a bullet for you and ask for absolutely nothing in return.

Wednesday 25 May 2016


Why are people judgemental about others? Are all of them people who intend to be pretentious, mean and hurtful to others? Do all of them judge others to see if they can well, "sit with them?" Or are there people out there who are judgemental because it is their defense mechanism?

People who have been hurt multiple times know how to weed out the unnecessary demons and refuse to have any kind of associations with them. Are these people being judgemental or just people with strong and rigid opinions? There is a fine line between having opinions and judging people. This line can sometimes be misunderstood by others. So how do you essentially explain that you aren't being judgemental but just trying to keep out the unnecessary in order to not attract additional drama? Nobody likes judgemental people, not even the ones that are judgemental themselves. Most of them are in denial. Everybody seems to question as to why you wont associate yourself with certain people and automatically draw a conclusion that you are well, in fact judgemental.

So do what you have to. Ignore people who look dangerous to your sanity. And if you are termed as "the judgemental idiot" its not as bad as having to deal with bullshit drama that will make you feel you are losing your mind.